Saturday, 9 January 2016

The Final Week: Your Calling

Lecture 1: Psalm 84:5
- Pilgrimage: Someone who goes on a journey with the hope of encountering God. - E.T. Wright.
The physical, outward journeys also reveal things on the inside. The recurring theme in the Bible is that God is saying, 'I'm not in that comfortable house, I'm out here in the scary waters.'
- Reflective Practice: Often we wonder, what just happened to me? If we reflect back to back frequently, we would be less surprised or confused. Test comes first and lessons come after. If you're making the same mistakes, maybe it's because you're not reflecting often enough. Investigation, Incubation (pause and simmer).
- My calling is to first and foremost, to follow Jesus. What is the point of doing anything if you're not called to do it? Better yet, what is the point of doing what you're called to do, if you're not following Jesus?

Lecture 2: "The two most important days of your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." - Mark Twain.
- The reason the farmer takes his 8 year old son to work is not to just train him and impart knowledge, but it's because he wants a relationship. Similarly, God doesn't just call us to do, but to be. ie. Joseph.
- There are different callings for different seasons, perhaps preparing us for the ultimate calling. You build character while being faithful to doing the things in front of you. For each season, be faithful to the next steps (studies/work/marriage). During the preparation time prior to being released to your long-term calling, be sure not to get stuck in passivity/comfort. This preparation phase may be comparable to clearing up the security line at the airport before the take off, to make sure there are no explosives on-board. There are pastors who get up in the air, thousands of feet just to find that they have been carrying explosives.
- Do we go through the phases of our lives - preparation, releasing, fulfillment - just to fulfill our American Dream? Are our involvement in godly works incorporated in achieving our American Dream and not of God himself?

Lecture 3: Call To Be In Missions (Not the Disney Version)
- Christians are more confrontational because they "care" and have higher expectations/standards. Missionaries often leave the mission field because of other missionaries.
- Questionable reasons for calling for missions: Way to appease guilt, boredom, adventure, or unsure of their calling.

Lecture 4: Call To Be In The Market Place
- The attitude in which we pray to God, who wants to meet us daily and have an ongoing relationship, is often wrong. Two minutes of binge praying won't cut it.
- A diamond in the darkness shines brighter. Just like Daniel, who was known for his excellent work in his position. Be excellent in carrying responsibility, trust, diligence, integrity etc. They add value.
- Principles in the Market Place:
1) Luke 19:17 - Be faithful in the small and be trusted with much.
2) Colossians 3:23 - "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as for working for the Lord."
3) Exodus 20:8 - "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it Holy." The difference between slavery and freedom is rest. Do you trust him while everyone else is working?
4) Matthew 6:33 - "Seek first his Kingdom and his Righteousness."
5) Deuteronomy 8:18 - "It is He who gives ability to produce wealth". Tithing is a law? It's pre-law because Abraham gave 10% of what he owned prior to Moses' laws. Pre-tax on tithing or after tax? Do you want blessings over the money that's pre-tax or after tax?

Lecture 5: Jesus' invitation to us - Come follow me... where? The next right step.
- We may stop seeking today, if God told us what the complete picture looked like. Again, he longs for a relationship. There's purpose and meaning behind trusting in God when we take the next small step in obedience/faith.
- Ephesians 2:10 says we are God's handiwork, but Paul never tells the Ephesians exactly what they're called to do, but rather tells them their identity. This is because we're individual creation of God. We're not mass produced. There's beauty in uniqueness (Jeremiah 1:5; Psalm 139:12-16).
The secret of the Poet's (God's) heart... "The place where your deep gladness meets the world's deep need."

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