Saturday 26 December 2015

Week 7: Holy Spirit

Lecture 1: Holy Spirit is With, In, Ahead, Upon
With- Conflicts the idea that the Spirit is somewhere else It's not Him who shows up, but we must show up to him. We recognize His presence. Matthew 1:23 Immanuel - God with us. Genesis 28:17, Psalm 139: 7-8
Ahead- Holy Spirit already ahead living in that moment. He is present, current, and future and is actually pulling us towards the future. What arrogance to say we're going to bring God onto other nations.
Upon- The dominant manifestation was through the Father in the OT, Jesus in the NT, and Holy Spirit from Acts onward. When the Spirit comes upon you, how will you respond, with an audience of one? Maybe it's not God making us to to act certain ways when he comes upon you, it's how we individually react from those experiences.
In- Ezekiel 36:27 "I will put my Spirit in you" 1 Corinthians 3:16 "Spirit dwells in you".
Spiritual adultery: if you put something or a desire above God (family, ministry, marriage). Don't try harder, but surrender and empty. Let him in.

Lecture 2: Holiness = Put God First - Love Others - Flee Sin - Pursue God's Will
Put God First- Romans 1:25 - Worship the creator, not the created. Luke 7:36-39 - It's not the theologian who God loves more, it's the worshiping in submission of the sinful woman.
Love Others- Thomas Merton: Corrupt forms of love wait for the neighbor to 'become a worthy object to love' before actually loving. - Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they're worthy.
Flee From Sin- 1 Timothy 2:2 - Flee the evil desires in you. 1 Corinthians 6:20 - You are not your own, honor God with your body. Lust does not operate linearly. It grows exponentially. It's a life style of surrender and submission. Holiness is a gift from God that protects us from harm. How comfortable are you being different? Sexually?

Lecture 3: Spiritual Gifts.
Prophecy, ministry, teaching, exhortation, giving, leading, mercy. (Romans 12:6-8)
The 9 Spiritual Gifts: (1 Corinthians 12: 1-14)
Five Fold Ministry: Prophet, apostle, evangelist, pastor, teacher
- pastor: passion for discipling, usually in one place. (Ezekiel 34)
Prophecy: Filter and test prophecies and hold onto what is good. Ask is it Biblical? (1 Thessalonians 5:19)
Speaking in Tongues: Purpose is to edify and build ourselves up. When we prophecy, we speak to man, when we speak in tongues, we give praise onto God.

Lecture 4: Holy Spirit is in the business of reconciling relationships, restoring justice, and redeeming beauty."Not to snatch people away from earth to heaven, but to colonize earth with life of heaven"
"Don't be so heavenly  minded that you can't accomplish earthly responsibilities"- David Cowie
- It's part of our calling to care for the environment. It affects the poor when we do nothing to stop climate change.
- We have the wrong theology if we believe that we have a ticket to heaven, so it doesn't matter what we do on this earth. He's going to restore and renew this earth.
Community is...  Jesus in the center > Behaving > Believing> Belonging. What if the mass migration issue is not a threat, but an opportunity? What if Christians dared to love the homosexuals? Love Wins.

Monday 14 December 2015

Week 6: Hearing God's Voice

Lecture 1: John 3:6
- The absolute best that flesh can produce is flesh, but Spirit gives birth to Spirit. What would happen if there was no communication between the King and the Heir, the Father and the Son, the Bride and the Groom, One friend to Another (John 15:13). The disbelief and the lies affect our ability to communicate with Him even if its just one drop of disbelief. Like the flavoring of vanilla, spreading throughout the whole batch of bread, the essence of disbelief carries over to our thoughts when we try to hear God's voice.
- Why is it important to hear God's voice? We don't know what's good for us. God wants what is best, but when we come to him with a prideful posture of our heart, which He opposes (James 4:6), we think this is disapproval. Or He is with-holding from us. But when we come to him in humility, you HEAR him and KNOW what's best. How you approach (humility) is key to hearing God.

Lecture 2:
- When we signed up for Jesus, we signed up for war. The enemy is smart, he has been in this game for a long time. When the enemy targets the foundation of our faith, our tower of beliefs collapses. What would you do if you were Satan? You would try to break the Holy Spirit from us because all truths are revealed through the Spirit. The importance of Holy Spirit is EVERYTHING. However, to us, Holy Spirit is closer than close. He is in us.
- God's language: Humility - 1 Peter 5:5-6, Proverbs 3:34.
The Son's language: Surrender - Luke 9:23-24, John 10:17-18
The Spirit's language: Obedience - Matthew 4:1, Acts 5:32
- When you are holding onto self-preservation, you are lucky to see God move in your life.

Lecture 3:
- He is not governed by our temper tantrums or our urgency. He speaks in His time and is not restricted by our deadlines. Jesus healed the bleeding woman on his way to heal someone else, He deliberately waited until Lazarus was completely dead, when he could've raised him up from the dead instantaneously. There's very little willingness to be still in our generation. (Psalm 46) - Be still.
-Application: 1. Examine a passage 2. What stands out 3.Ask Holy Spirit, how does this apply 4. Ask Holy Spirit, what you're inviting me or leading me to do in response to this. Then linger for a bit.
- Parenting is hard. Relationships are hard. But you have no right to hold on to your grudges on your parents or on others when Jesus went to the cross naked, beaten, and tortured and saying 'Father, forgive them for they don't know what they're doing.'

Lecture 4:
- Obedience is ours to do, the results are not up to us. Cheyne (lecturer) was at a grocery store and felt Holy Spirit asking him to pray for a lady. The lady refused, but he still thinks that he did the right thing. The language God Speaks: humility, surrender, and obedience.
- What if prayer is not praying to God, but prayer to God WITH God? From Him, through Him, to Him. If we can hear His voice, He will give us what we need to pray for. He prays with you because Holy Spirit guides us, and He answers you. For all things are his.

Lecture 5:
- Intimacy is the underlying reason for all the miracles and gifts from God. The purpose of all things, including miracles, is for us to find intimacy with the Lord. Matthew 7:22 - They perform miracles, drive out demons, and prophecy in His name, but God will say 'depart from me, I never knew you'. They didn't have intimacy with God, they were false teachers.
Find intimacy with God (Isiah 50:4-5).
- It's never God that's the problem when intimacy is broken with Him.
Intimacy cycle: Repent => Intimacy => Break in Intimacy => Repent
Don't let the enemy fool you into thinking you can't hear God. In Romans it says God speaks as if it were and we are given the authority to speak things into being.

Week 5: Idenity

Lecture 1:
- Lucifer, who is described to be a perfectionist (Isiah 14 & Ezekiel 28) falls and takes 1/3 of the angels with him (Rev 12). Because of a lie, man opened the door for Satan to have the legal right to rule the world, and still is the ruler of the fallen world. Jesus was crucified and Satan was defeated, but not yet destroyed.
- Jesus is the firstborn of a new race and He is currently seated in heaven, 100% man, 100% God. Genesis 1:26 'let us make them in the image of us." Jesus is in us on the earth and we are also in Him, in heaven. Our seats in heaven were secured even before we were born (Ephesians 1:4)

Lecture 2: Church => Ekklesia = Group Called Out. Do not live in the world anymore.
- Church is His (Jesus) Body, the fullness of Him are Christ bearers. God needs us to do the work, as the head is paralyzed without the body (Ephesians 1:24).
- Church people in the past and students at school learned by routine because it was easy to do.
ie. 2x2 = 4 2x3 = 6 2x4 = 8... We don't do this in our church because it leads to conformity and God works way too personal to each and everyone of us.

Lecture 3: Everything Jesus did, He did it in Father's Authority John 5:19&30
- Fundamental Christian Teaching is in Luke 16. We are called to be faithful in the smallest things, in others' things, and the natural. By doing the smallest things you will be faithful to the greater things, in others' things you will be entrusted to what is yours, and to the natural you will be faithful in the works of the supernatural. Jesus held on to this teaching and was rewarded. Be faithful.
- Uniqueness of man:
Ephesians 1:4 - He chose us before the creation of the world.
Deuteronomy 32:9 - The Lord's portion is His people.
Psalm 8:6; 115:16; 149:4 - Takes pleasure in his people.
1 Corinthians 3:16 - We are God's people and His Spirit dwells in us.
- We are eternal companions of Jesus Christ

Lecture 4:
In Christ: It's our responsibilities to "initiate" or knock/seek (pattern)
John 10:9 - Our call to walk in to his gate first.
Matthew 7:7 - Knock to go in
- We act first because he gave us the authority to do so, and He "cannot" violate His free will for us.
John 15:1-10 - Abide in me and I will in you.
James 4:8 - Come near and He will come near.
Christ In: 
2 Corinthians 13:5 - Do you know he lives in you?
Romans 8:10 - 'if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin, the Spirit gives life.'
Galatians 2:20 - Not who I that lives, but Christ who lives in me.
Colossians 3:16 - Word of Christ dwells in you
Colossians 1:17 - In Him all things hold together.

Lecture 5: 2 Corinthians 5; Romans 12:1-2
- 'Take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ'. Be transformed in the mind if you want to go from strength to strength. We do not need to do something drastic only when we're in the dry season. Fasting and confessing sins to others are effective in being transformed by the renewing of the mind.
- God has given us the robe of righteousness (Isiah 61:10). But it is our responsibility to keep them clean (Rev 22:14). Justified => Just as I am. Sanctification => Separated, Set apart.

Week 4: Father Heart of God

Lecture 1:  Zachariah 3:17 He delights in me. Ephesians 2:2 He loved us and sent His Son. Romans 8:38-39 Nothing can separate us from His love.
- Most fathers that have kids were not qualified to be dads, they just grew older and ended up having children. Children are not taught who they are by their dads and identify themselves by comparing with others. When we get to know God, we are able to know ourselves better and He says that we are awesome in His eyes.
- Learn to love who you are by learning who God is. We are made in his image: second commandment - love yourselves as you love others.

   Lecture 2: John 14; Matthew 5,6,7; Psalm 139 - read to see how God feels about you.
- While the pharisees stay to the scripture, we need to encounter the God of the Bible. The whole existence of Jesus was to bring you into intimacy with the Father, God.
- Misconceptions of God: 1) Angry 2) Disappointed 3) With-holding 4) Hard to Please 5) Boring [the wildest thrill you can have is to live only based on what He wants you to do].
- Repentance <= Sin you choose <= Brokenness => Injustice from Someone Else => Forgiveness
When you sin, you repent. When someone else sins against you, you forgive the injustice. Repentance is a joyful response because God wants to convict us and say "hey, that's not me. Come find me." Jesus lived a sinless life and died the greatest injustice death.

Lecture 3: 1 Corinthians 13 - God's Biography of How He Loves; Ephesians 1:17-20 & 3:14-21; Galatians 6:1-2 Carry Each Other's Burdens.
- Learn to Love God. Would theology help to love God more? If we're constantly stuck at one part of the scripture, would He say "well done my good and faithful servant?" We should rather learn to be quick to love. Paul said to pursue faith, gift of prophecy, but most importantly, Love.
- Receive from the heart. If you are a thinker, a logical person, how are you supposed to think your way out of your emotional scars and pains. Receive healing from the heart. Jesus wept when Lazarus died... I wonder if he weeps as we are hurting. Study how Jesus loved, then we can see more of the Father heart of God.

Lecture 4: Galatians 3:25-29; 4:1-7 Spirit That Calls Out 'Abba, Father"; Romans 8:15, 2 Corinthians 10:3
- Don't mind sharing about personal sins because it is not who we are anymore. Don't care what people think about it because it is no longer me. How others think about me does not define who I am, because my reference point in who I am is no longer in others. Care how God thinks of you.
- We are no longer orphans because we have been adopted by the Spirit which calls out 'Abba, Father'
- Changing to be more like Christ starts with your mind (Romans 12:2). The transformation takes place (2 Corinthians 10:3) with the spiritual warfare, where we use the divine weapons to destroy the strongholds the enemy controls and by taking captive every thought by the knowledge of God. We are fully equipped for the battle. Darkness goes away when you walk in light by repenting and being open. (James 5:16) 'be transparent' it will heal and set you free.

Week 3: World View

Lecture 1:
Belief Progression: Thoughts/information => Ideas => Run through Reason, Morality & Imagination => Yields Behavior, Attitude, Actions.
- If your whole belief system is based on just appeasing God, it wouldn't be sustainable. You will burn out. It should be about growing your relationship with Him.

Lecture 2: 
- Challenge your Christian assumptions so you get a more sound, accurate belief system. Wish to know the nature and character of God? Study Jesus' life.

Lecture 3:
- John 16:13. Jesus will leave and Holy Spirit will guide you into all truths. Due to massive translation variants and "errors" within the scripture (multiple versions available...which one is correct), it is difficult to say that the Bible equals God. People throughout ages have misquoted, abused, and even adjusted the Holy Bible to their liking. The common fundamental truths are that the deity of Christ, the fall of man, the death and resurrection of Christ, His need for redemption, salvation by faith, which the Bible makes clear. But each of the books compromising the New Testament were conditioned by the culture of the day: the language, the social mores, the political influences, the philosophies, and other religions from two thousand years ago. The point is to deduce the original intended meaning from the author. The Book brings truths and life into peoples lives and God reveals himself through scriptures. However, in a way, the scripture can be perceived to be subservient to the Holy Spirit since the book itself is not God and all truths are revealed through the Spirit. We believe that Holy Spirit is God.
- The book by itself is ineffective and Holy Spirit without the Word is incomplete. Be balanced in the scriptures and in the Holy Spirit on your devotion onto God.

Lecture 4:
- Context is most important if we want to know the meaning. Paul's message on women teaching/pastoring was intended for the uneducated at the time, specifically to that region and that specific church. The same Paul writes in other parts of the Epistles regarding equal rights that women have at the time.
- Hermeneutics means to take the original meaning of the text then bringing it forward two thousand years and seeing how it applies today. Do not allow minor details in our theology divide us because we have hard time trying to apply the message to our lives today. It isn't Holy Spirit's desire to divide the body of Christ.

Lecture 5:
- Challenging the assumptions of our definition of marriage (1 Corinthians 7). Paul addresses the issues of marriage to a very corrupt city, where some women were sold like a merchandise. Ask how this can be applied to us today.
- Most influencers today are the loudest, but many of them heard most of the their stuff from their 3rd grade teachers and never challenged or questioned why. It must be understood that God's word for us must be living and dynamic. If we fear questioning and looking at what the message really says, we lose the true essence of its value.

Lecture 6:
- How do you govern the Holy Spirit? The Institutional Church since the medieval times failed. Every time. Main big churches, institutionalism is almost unavoidable and the churches that should have died years ago are alive today because of institutionalism. The lecturer believes that post-modernism is something God is doing to shake up the Church, so that he can reveal His true message to us.

Sunday 13 December 2015

Week 2: Gifts & Talents

Lecture 1: 1 Corinthians 10:31
- We believe there's no difference between the sacred and secular. From washing dishes to preaching, whether we eat, drink, or whatever we do, we do it all for the glory of God.
- Bring the little we have before Jesus. Moses had a staff, which at the command of God turned into a snake. David had his slingshot, the boy had two fish and five loaves of bread. What do you have in your hands? When we throw it all down before God, our fingerprints are no longer on them, but God's own fingerprints are on them. Darlene Cunningham, the co-founder of YWAM (our lecturer for the week) her gift was to be a foot-washer as the wife of the founder of this organization (King David's wife was the foot-washer of those that served King David). Be faithful to what you're gifted in. Be the president of Foot-washer's Association.
- How silly is it for you to be jealous of someone else's gift if God didn't give it to you specifically. The holy conductor will signal for you to play your part [little flute], but you missed your part because you were too distracted looking at someone else's role [drums/guitar].

Lecturer 2:
- Pursue deep cooperation with the Holy Spirit by repenting (first step to align yourself to God). Loren and Darlene's journey took off after repentance and God began to work. It is not God's will to multiply a big mess and they wanted to see their fruit multiplying. It's the little sins that are often overlooked. Pull them out by the roots because if they're dormant, they're just growing and rotting.
- When you are at the hottest and the baddest part of the battlefield, you have the best communication with the commander. You're not required to be in the front line, running up and down with ammunition, but when you do, you can hear him clearly and you feel closer to him.

Lecturer 3: Matthew 13 - Parable of the Sower
- Good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. Concerning YWAM values the staff most importantly because the training that they go through results in multiplication. Once you hear the word and understand, you are surely to pass it on creating multiplication.
- Jesus was against rules and regulations. Know why you believe in what you believe in. Actions must be impacted by your beliefs and fruits should be connected to the core values of your beliefs. Darlene was asked, "Do you recycle?" Her answer was "No, but I believe in it". Do you really believe what you believe in? Question your belief system. Where is the fruit?
We want fruit, therefore be faithful in your gifts/calling. It is ours to obey, but we won't necessarily know how many seeds will be carried from your fruits. It is up to God to yield the results.

Lecturer 4:
What you do when you don't know what to do: As a nurse for Darlene. Moses handing off leadership to Joshua.
1) Be honest and tell him your troubles
2) Think about the character of God. Rehearse reminding yourself of what he has done in the past. Not just positive thinking, but the reality of what he has done for you. We have short term memory.
3) Do not worry. Remember how he answered prayers in ways that were unimaginable. Both in our lives and from the people in the Bible. You're a candidate for a miracle because if we have no idea what we're doing, He will make things happen out of nothing.
4) Be humble. He is opposed to the pride, but gives to the humble. (James 4:6). When an injustice is done, because Jesus died a man of greatest injustice, we're extending the same grace onto others by being humbled as was Jesus.

Week 1: Worship and Intercession

Lecture 1: Isiah 43:19-21; John 15:16-17; 1 Corinthians 10:31
- Our job as worshipers is to find His treasures everyday. Isiah 43:19-21 declares 'see, I am doing new things' that his mercies are new everyday and we will never run out of things to praise him for. Be treasure hunters. Pray, what will you reveal to me today?
- Learn to receive from the roots. Sometimes we try to squeeze out our own fruit (Martha Spirit). Rather, we are able to produce 'fruit that will last' (John 15:16-17), if only we simply remain connected to the roots. Keep receiving his word, keep looking and seeking. 'Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God (1 Corinthians 10:31) Remember, Nutrition... Fruit!

Lecture 2: Jeremiah 31: 32-33; Ezekiel 36:26-27
- God loves us like a husband does to wife. We broke his covenant. 'Though I was a husband to them' (Jeremiah 31:32-32). Imagine the betrayal. But God so loved us, he said 'I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts' by sending us the Holy Spirit at the expense of Jesus' death. 'I will remove your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh and I will put my spirit in you' (Ezekiel 36:26-27).
- Learn to love God at the center of your romance, like the husband-wife relationship. He is a jealous God.

Lecture 3: John 4:23 'Worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in Truth'
- The trinity is the full embodiment of love. Holy Spirit leads to Jesus and Jesus to God.
John 16:13 - Holy Spirit doesn't work unless he hears
John 5:19 - The son can do nothing by himself. Jesus needs God
John 17:1 - Jesus glorifies Father God

Lecture 4:
- You and I are where heaven and earth meets. Our body made from the dust is representative of the earth. At the same time, it houses the soul, which is like God. In the old testament, God dwells outside of us, in the ark of the covenant, the tabernacle, but he has given us the Holy Spirit through Jesus Christ and therefore, we are given the authority to release heaven onto others. We carry God within us.