Sunday 13 December 2015

Week 2: Gifts & Talents

Lecture 1: 1 Corinthians 10:31
- We believe there's no difference between the sacred and secular. From washing dishes to preaching, whether we eat, drink, or whatever we do, we do it all for the glory of God.
- Bring the little we have before Jesus. Moses had a staff, which at the command of God turned into a snake. David had his slingshot, the boy had two fish and five loaves of bread. What do you have in your hands? When we throw it all down before God, our fingerprints are no longer on them, but God's own fingerprints are on them. Darlene Cunningham, the co-founder of YWAM (our lecturer for the week) her gift was to be a foot-washer as the wife of the founder of this organization (King David's wife was the foot-washer of those that served King David). Be faithful to what you're gifted in. Be the president of Foot-washer's Association.
- How silly is it for you to be jealous of someone else's gift if God didn't give it to you specifically. The holy conductor will signal for you to play your part [little flute], but you missed your part because you were too distracted looking at someone else's role [drums/guitar].

Lecturer 2:
- Pursue deep cooperation with the Holy Spirit by repenting (first step to align yourself to God). Loren and Darlene's journey took off after repentance and God began to work. It is not God's will to multiply a big mess and they wanted to see their fruit multiplying. It's the little sins that are often overlooked. Pull them out by the roots because if they're dormant, they're just growing and rotting.
- When you are at the hottest and the baddest part of the battlefield, you have the best communication with the commander. You're not required to be in the front line, running up and down with ammunition, but when you do, you can hear him clearly and you feel closer to him.

Lecturer 3: Matthew 13 - Parable of the Sower
- Good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. Concerning YWAM values the staff most importantly because the training that they go through results in multiplication. Once you hear the word and understand, you are surely to pass it on creating multiplication.
- Jesus was against rules and regulations. Know why you believe in what you believe in. Actions must be impacted by your beliefs and fruits should be connected to the core values of your beliefs. Darlene was asked, "Do you recycle?" Her answer was "No, but I believe in it". Do you really believe what you believe in? Question your belief system. Where is the fruit?
We want fruit, therefore be faithful in your gifts/calling. It is ours to obey, but we won't necessarily know how many seeds will be carried from your fruits. It is up to God to yield the results.

Lecturer 4:
What you do when you don't know what to do: As a nurse for Darlene. Moses handing off leadership to Joshua.
1) Be honest and tell him your troubles
2) Think about the character of God. Rehearse reminding yourself of what he has done in the past. Not just positive thinking, but the reality of what he has done for you. We have short term memory.
3) Do not worry. Remember how he answered prayers in ways that were unimaginable. Both in our lives and from the people in the Bible. You're a candidate for a miracle because if we have no idea what we're doing, He will make things happen out of nothing.
4) Be humble. He is opposed to the pride, but gives to the humble. (James 4:6). When an injustice is done, because Jesus died a man of greatest injustice, we're extending the same grace onto others by being humbled as was Jesus.

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