Monday 14 December 2015

Week 3: World View

Lecture 1:
Belief Progression: Thoughts/information => Ideas => Run through Reason, Morality & Imagination => Yields Behavior, Attitude, Actions.
- If your whole belief system is based on just appeasing God, it wouldn't be sustainable. You will burn out. It should be about growing your relationship with Him.

Lecture 2: 
- Challenge your Christian assumptions so you get a more sound, accurate belief system. Wish to know the nature and character of God? Study Jesus' life.

Lecture 3:
- John 16:13. Jesus will leave and Holy Spirit will guide you into all truths. Due to massive translation variants and "errors" within the scripture (multiple versions available...which one is correct), it is difficult to say that the Bible equals God. People throughout ages have misquoted, abused, and even adjusted the Holy Bible to their liking. The common fundamental truths are that the deity of Christ, the fall of man, the death and resurrection of Christ, His need for redemption, salvation by faith, which the Bible makes clear. But each of the books compromising the New Testament were conditioned by the culture of the day: the language, the social mores, the political influences, the philosophies, and other religions from two thousand years ago. The point is to deduce the original intended meaning from the author. The Book brings truths and life into peoples lives and God reveals himself through scriptures. However, in a way, the scripture can be perceived to be subservient to the Holy Spirit since the book itself is not God and all truths are revealed through the Spirit. We believe that Holy Spirit is God.
- The book by itself is ineffective and Holy Spirit without the Word is incomplete. Be balanced in the scriptures and in the Holy Spirit on your devotion onto God.

Lecture 4:
- Context is most important if we want to know the meaning. Paul's message on women teaching/pastoring was intended for the uneducated at the time, specifically to that region and that specific church. The same Paul writes in other parts of the Epistles regarding equal rights that women have at the time.
- Hermeneutics means to take the original meaning of the text then bringing it forward two thousand years and seeing how it applies today. Do not allow minor details in our theology divide us because we have hard time trying to apply the message to our lives today. It isn't Holy Spirit's desire to divide the body of Christ.

Lecture 5:
- Challenging the assumptions of our definition of marriage (1 Corinthians 7). Paul addresses the issues of marriage to a very corrupt city, where some women were sold like a merchandise. Ask how this can be applied to us today.
- Most influencers today are the loudest, but many of them heard most of the their stuff from their 3rd grade teachers and never challenged or questioned why. It must be understood that God's word for us must be living and dynamic. If we fear questioning and looking at what the message really says, we lose the true essence of its value.

Lecture 6:
- How do you govern the Holy Spirit? The Institutional Church since the medieval times failed. Every time. Main big churches, institutionalism is almost unavoidable and the churches that should have died years ago are alive today because of institutionalism. The lecturer believes that post-modernism is something God is doing to shake up the Church, so that he can reveal His true message to us.

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